William Shakespeare is alive and well on the Internet. Visit these other sites devoted to the Bard and his works.
- Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet:
an excellent source of information about Shakespeare, including a timeline, genealogy, criticism, links, and much
- Shakespeare in Performance Research Group: at
McGill University. Especially useful are the resources,
with links to electronic texts, other Shakespeare
sites, and a variety of academic resources.
- Shakespeare Authorship Question. The
debate will never end. Was the author of those wonderful plays William Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon, or
someone else?
- Shakespeare Magazine. The online presence for a print magazine
for "teachers and enthusiasts." The web site has some of the articles from the print magazine. Teachers
can sign up for password-protected access to additional resources.
- Complete Works of William Shakespeare:
Download the complete text of the plays and poetry from MIT. Those brainy engineers love the Bard, too! The Internet Public Library points to the MIT text,
but has some other interesting links.
- Aristotle's Poetics: Shakespeare didn't bother with the rules for tragedy and comedy, but they shaped Renaissance
and neoclassical drama. Read the text in English
or Greek. Download
a copy from MIT.
- Yahoo! has a page on William Shakespeare, with links to many other sites.
- Newsgroup: The humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare newsgroup
is a discussion forum open to everyone.
- Email list: The SHAKSPER listserv is an email-based discussion forum,
for researchers, instructors, students, and anyone who wants to share academic interests. No academic qualifications
are necessary. To join send email to the moderator, Dr. Hardy M. Cook.